Our staff applies all the measures for the prevention of the transmission of COVID-19 infections in all the activities, determined by EODY and the following international operators:
• World Health Organization. Key considerations for repatriation and quarantine of travelers in relation to the outbreak of novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV
• WHO Interim guidance. Considerations for quarantine of individuals in the context of containment for coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
• EU HEALTHY GATEWAYS. Interim advice for preparedness and response to cases of COVID-19 at points of entry in the European Union (EU)/EEA Member States (MS)
• European Center for Disease Control and Prevention
We take all the control measures of COVID-19’s spreading. We carry out cleaning and disinfections of the places where the provision of our services takes place and of the air-conditioning units, with certified products. Our company works with a certified cleaning unit when it comes to our clothing.